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IEC TR 62711:2011 pdfダウンロード

IEC 08-29
IEC TR 62711:2011 pdfダウンロード

IEC TR 62711:2011 pdfダウンロード。Mnemonics and designations of symbols for measuring relays, instruments and related device
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides recommendations for consistent use of mnemonics and qualifying symbols to be applied to symbols representing devices used in systems for monitoring, protection, switching, and controlling of apparatus in electrical substations, generating stations, power utilization and conversion facilities, and equipment designed for automatic protection of power systems. The recommendations are intended for designers, manufacturers and engineers of such systems. For symbols of measuring relay and measuring instrument, it is intended to serve two purposes, namely: – Give a review of standardized designations (as defined in this report);
– Limit the range of possible variants (after final standardization and introduction in IEC 6061 7). Symbols for measuring relays are symbols in which the functional behaviour of an element, mostly because of its complexity, is described by qualifying symbols e.g.
IEC 6061 7-S00328 (2001 -07), IEC 6061 7-S00337 (2001 -07), particularly by referring to supporting documentation; the relevant rules and explanations are to be found in IEC 6061 7 in the application notes associated with the symbols, e.g. IEC 6061 7-S00327 (2001 -07) (A00091 through A00094).
Symbols for indicating, recording or integrating instruments are symbols in which the functional behaviour of an element is fully described by standardized means. The relevant rules and explanations are to be found in IEC 6061 7 in the application notes associated with the symbols IEC 6061 7-S0091 0 (2001 -07), IEC 6061 7-S0091 1 (2001 -07) and IEC 6061 7-S0091 2 (A001 44 through A001 47).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 6061 7, Graphical symbols for diagrams
ISO/IEC 81 71 4-1 , Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products – Part 1: Basic rules
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
protection relay
measuring relay which, either solely or in combination with other relays, is a constituent of a protection equipment
[IEC 60050-448:1 995, 448-1 1 -02]
4 Measuring relay symbols
Power systems are extremely complicated electrical networks that are geographically spread over very large areas. The power systems are so complex that a complete conventional diagram showing all the connections is impractical. There is some concise way of communicating the basic arrangement of power system components. This is done by using diagrams with universally accepted symbols in IEC 6061 7.
